I had another go yesterday to try for better shots of the Slavonian Grebe, weather wise it was an odd day, sunny and bright here in Exeter but down the Estuary 3 miles it was very hazy and the sun was not getting through. As I arrived o the foreshore I could not believe that someone was allowing their two dogs to chase the waders and swans up and down the beach! My blood was boiling, I was raging that someone could have such little regard for the environment. Th owner was a brute of a man and I decided to be a wimp and just hope that they would hurry up and get their pathetic little inflateable and their even more pathetic selves into their tatty van and leave this "Site of Special Scientific Interest" in peace. This happened quite quickly and peace resumed but damage done, no sign of the Slavonian Grebe at first. But then much further in the distance a black dot turned out to be our bird. The closest I got to it on Friday was around 30 yards, my camera does not perform at it's best at that distance so I struggled to get that really killer shot. yesterday it was about the same and I was pleased to almost straight away get a photo of a preening wing flap. Then with the tide rapidly comming in and being in danger of getting cut off inside the tunnel, I got a bit closer to it further up the Estuaruy by the railway wall. Unfortunately the light was not as good but I think I improved on Fridays shots. At best I was about 20 yards from it.
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