I have been observing Black-Tailed Godwits - Limosa limosa for the last two weeks and now we have a small flock of around 14 or so. These birds are adults and in lovely summer plumage. As you can see from the photographs they are extremely smart and well marked. But where do they come from, why have they suddenly arrived here earlier than other migrating waders? A little bit of research has indicated that these birds are probably a sub species Limosa limosa iclandica and as the name suggests breed in Iceland. They leave their breeding grounds in mid July and August and earlier if they are not successful breeders. The vast majority stay in Southern Ireland but others choose to continue on to Devon and other parts of the UK. I havn't observed any colour rung birds but I am on the look out for any such individual as this would be a way of confirming there origin. They are monogamous and even when over-wintering miles apart still return and breed with their lifelong mates. How amazing is that!
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