I am pretty certain that if only these photographs featured some kind of rarity then they would be way up there with some of my most successful. As it is, if they do anything they confirm that my gear is working properly. The background on the (above) is natural and is what you get when you use a long lens, a 500 mm prime. The light is perfect and shows this common species at it's very best. On the one below there is the remains of a spider in the beak.
The wood was an interesting place from the hide this evening, it was a really dreary day for the time of year, cold and showery, hence my late outing to the wood. The squirrels had been up to their worst again and wrecked all the feeders, I really need to do something about it, it cant continue. Every day the feeders are destroyed and I am sure that it will only get worse. But back to the session, it was notable for the first visit of a Greater spotted Woodpecker which flew down on to the stump that I had put a 'day-old" chick, intended for a Jay. Unfortunately I couldn't get a shot today but I know that now Woodpeckers are coming to feed, well, things are progressing well. I also had a beautiful Spotted Flycatcher right in front of me drinking from one of the pools but, as with the Woodpecker as soon as I moved the lens in it's direction it was spooked and off it flew. I have noticed that now it isn't as wet as before, birds are coming to drink and bathe from the pool Also in the mud around the pool edge there was a print from a deer, obviously drinking from the pool.
This morning I tried to photograph the Sand Martins but they didn't seem comfortable with my presence today, birds are funny and I am almost certain that yesterday when I had a camo hood on they were much more relaxed. This speaks volumes for the use of camouflage. Pretty certain that the Kingfishers are still continuing with their nest.
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