I decided to go back to Dawlish this morning. With a bit of luck I thought I might get a better look and better photos of yesterday's Black-necked Grebe. So it proved but not without a cold wait. I don't like a so called "twitch" because with different people wanting different outcomes, there is quite often a contradiction. Some people are content with a distant view and a distant record photo. To achieve the kind of success that I want, I need to be patient and hope that other people, if present, are quiet and sympathetic to other people's needs. It wasn't too crowded or noisy thankfully and I managed to tuck myself away quetly where I had seen the bird at dusk yesterday. It was 30 minutes before it came in to view again today. The wait wasn't too bad, I watched the Little Grebe pair fishing and a pair of Canada Geese in the brilliant lighting conditions and I just knew that all I needed was the bird to appear. This is a lovely species. Even in winter plumage it's an attractive bird with the bright red eye standing out against the black and white. I took a few nice photos hoping all the time that it would come to my side of the pool. In the end it did but it was immediately disturbed by another guy who breezed in to my spot totally oblivious of the bird and when it dived he reamained still oblivious to it's presence. I waited until he had again moved away which didn't take too long, patience obviously not his strong point. Having been static for an hour I came home to look at my pictures hoping that I had a keeper or two. Our friend was still wandering about aimlesly, I wonder if he got his photo in the end? I hope so.
As I came home and past Cockwood harbour there was a nice Curlew feeding in the mud. I stopped the car and took a few snaps. The camera is certainly working well.
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