Warning: It is an offence to disturb Kingfishers at the nest territory without the necessary license to photograph. I am licenced by Natural England to photograph the Schedule 1. Kingfisher at this site. Warning
Since I last blogged I have been trying very hard to try and discover signs of Kingfisher nesting activity at the sites that I am licensed to photograph at. I also spent Monday trying to get over a poorly stomach, all very annoying. It's been a frustrating affair with plenty of quick glimpses as birds flashed past me and I have discovered several potential nest holes but as yet I have nothing positive to report, let alone photographs to post. Take this afternoon for example, I sat watching site number 1 from a very safe distance and I had a clear view of the bank that they had nested at last year. I was completely concealed and 100 yards away and sure that I couldn't be seen. To confirm this, a bird flashed past me and as usual I was immediately excited. It didn't call which made me suspect that the bird was in stealth mode and being deliberately silent in the territory rather than call which it would have done if it were looking for a mate or establishing territory. I expecting it to perch by the suspeced nest bank but it didn't. This is pretty much what had happened on every visit this last week.
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