So, if you are taking an interest you may be pleased that I have an answer to the question, "what bird is eating the apple?" I went up to Haldon just after dawn this morning and when I arrived I disturbed at least 5 Roe Deer right by the drinking pool which was good to see again but a slight disappointment that I had disturbed them. However after a while, once I had set up, a buck came in to view not too far away and I managed - just about - to get a photograph but there was always a bit of foliage getting in the way. Then after an hour, suddenly a Jay arrived and landed right on the "apple log" and immediately started eating the apple! Fruit-eating Jays, who would have thought it! Not only did it eat a few beakfuls but then it picked up a piece and flew off with it. As I walked back later, I was thinking what word would describe how I felt about this because I was hoping that a Green Woodpecker was responsible - I even heard one close by yet again - I was thinking that a good description was "my hopes were dashed" but trashed, crashed or bashed also work really well! Still it was a fun session never the less.
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