I know it's only a little Robin again but I just needed to get out - between the showers this afternoon- with the new camera. If you know anything about cameras you will be as amazed as me that the shutter speed for this photo was only 1/30 of a second, how can that be and it still be sharp? This image is straight from the camera, not manipulated or cropped in Photoshop. With most long lenses you need to be around 12 feet or more to be able to focus but with this setup, a Vario 100-400 lens you can focus down to 3 feet, amazing! I am really staggered by my new Lumix G9, a mirrorless camera instead of the usual DSLR. This is a watershed moment in wildlife photography I think. Just imagine when we have some good light. Here is the EXIF which you may find interesting if it's not for you then please just ignore it. "Please note: Due to some compression on this Blog there is some slight degrading of the original image".
Aperture Value: 5.311
Color Space: Uncalibrated
Contrast: Normal
Custom Rendered: Normal process
Date Time Digitized: Jan 15, 2018 at 15:36:27
Date Time Original: Jan 15, 2018 at 15:36:27
Exif Version: 2.3.1
Exposure Bias Value: -0.33
Exposure Mode: Auto exposure
Exposure Program: Normal program
Exposure Time: 1/30
File Source: DSC
Flash: Off, did not fire
FNumber: 6.3
Focal Length: 400
Focal Length In 35mm Film: 831
Focal Plane Resolution Unit: centimeters
Focal Plane X Resolution: 8,452.633
Focal Plane Y Resolution: 8,452.633
Gain Control: High gain up
Photographic Sensitivity (ISO): 400
Lens Model: LEICA DG 100-400/F4.0-6.3
Lens Serial Number: 27JIF30G044P
Max Aperture Value: 5.312
Metering Mode: CenterWeightedAverage
Pixel X Dimension: 5,184
Pixel Y Dimension: 3,456
Saturation: Normal
Scene Capture Type: Standard
Scene Type: A directly photographed image
Sensing Method: One-chip color area sensor
Sharpness: Normal
Shutter Speed Value: 1/30
Sub-second Time: 580
Sub-second Time Digitized: 580
Sub-second Time Original: 580
White Balance: Auto white balance
Lens Model: LEICA DG 100-400/F4.0-6.3
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