I have always had a fascination with the environment around me and with the aid of my Digital SLR, a Pentax K& I aim to catalougue the wildlife that I observe in my garden, and in the case of bird species "from the garden" as they pass overhead. Since the Blog started in September 2007 it's coverage has spread to include sightings both locally and further afield. I will list and add photos of the interesting species that I observe. Species such as the Sparrowhawk, rare insects such as Volucella zonaria a large hornet immitating hoverly, slow worms, frogs and toads. The garden areais just 42 paces long by 15 paces wide and is an example of an urban oasis so important to the wildlife of the United Kingdom. My quest is to inspire more people to appreciate the environment around them and then perhaps take care as the custodian of their own personal wildlife refuge! Click on the RED ADMIRAL image to your right for my lifetime garden list, or the text that wil direct you there. Everytime you see underlined green text then click on it for more information about that species. Go on.......try it! Dont forget to click on this image here for a larger image, it is Volucella Zonaria, UK's largest Hoverfly which visited my garden very briefly in June and I was able to get this great photo. It is a Hornet immitator, and a very striking sight, and we were very fortunate to have it in our garden. This specimen is a female, you can tell by the position of the eyes on the head which are on the side and do not join at the top as they would do in a male.
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